Recipe: Tasty Paella!

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, If you’re looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Paella! recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.


Before you jump to Paella! recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Easy Ways to Get Healthy.

You already understand that, to achieve true health, your diet needs to be balanced and nutritious and you need to get a good amount of exercise. Sadly, we do not always have the time or the energy that this type of lifestyle requires. At the conclusion of the day, most of us want to go home, not to the gym. We want a delicious, greasy burger, not an equally tasty salad (unless we’re vegetarians). The good news is that making healthy decisions doesn’t have to be a pain. If you are conscientious you’ll get all of the activity and healthy food choices you need. Here are some tips to be as healthy as possible.

Make smart decisions when shopping for groceries. When you make informed and wise purchases at the grocery store, your meals will get healthier automatically. Think about it: you aren’t going to want to deal with a chaotic store or a long drive through line at the end of the day. You want to get home immediately and have something beneficial. Fill your cupboards with wholesome foods. This makes it easy to have a great meal–even if you want something junky–because you’ll be eating something that is naturally better for you than anything you’d buy in a hurry at the store or in the fast food joint.

There are many things you can go after to become healthy. Extensive gym visits and directly defined diets are not always the answer. You can do little things every day to improve upon your health and lose weight. Being smart when you choose your food and routines is where it begins. Looking to get in as much physical activity as possible is another. Remember: being healthful isn’t just about reducing your weight. You need to help to make your body as strong it can be.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to paella! recipe. You can cook paella! using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Paella!:

  1. Take 250 grams of Paella rice – dry weight.
  2. Provide 2 of Boneless chicken thighs.
  3. Prepare 400 grams of Fresh live mussels.
  4. Get 1 small of chorizo sausage.
  5. Use 2 clove of Garlic.
  6. Get 1 of Handful garden peas.
  7. Get 1 of Yellow or red pepper.
  8. Prepare 3 of Shallots.
  9. Use 1 of Glass red wine.
  10. Get 1 pinch of Saffron.
  11. Provide 1/2 tsp of Dried mixed herbs.
  12. Provide 1/2 tsp of Smoked paprika.
  13. Provide 1/2 small of tin tomato puree.
  14. Take 750 ml of Chicken stock.
  15. You need 2 of Lemon wedges.

Instructions to make Paella!:

  1. Add the rice, tomato purée, chicken stock, mixed herbs, saffron and paprika to a large saucepan. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, stir, lower the heat, cover and simmer for 20 min or untill the rice has absorbed the liquid, stirring occasionally and tasting. When rice is at the desired consistancy, turn off the heat and rest..
  2. Meanwhile, slice the chicken, chop the garlic and chorizo and add to a paella pan (or wok), fry for a few minutes. Slice the shallots and pepper and add to the pan with the peas, cook for a further 5 minutes, adding a bit of the wine if it becomes dry..
  3. Add the remaining wine, with the mussels in their shells and cook on high for approx 10 minutes or untill the mussel shells have opened and the chicken is cooked through. Discard any closed mussels..
  4. When the rice is done and rested for at least 5 minutes, add it to the paella pan and stir through. Serve immediately with the lemon wedge and a glass of wine!.

While those with Spanish ancestry will have different versions of the dish, here's how to master his version. Nourishing, vibrant, and served without pretension, paella has held a place of honor and practicality in Spanish homes for centuries. If mussels aren't your favorite, you can easily substitute littleneck clams in their place–just be sure to thoroughly scrub the clams' shells in cold water before using. Quarter each piece of chicken, then season with sea salt and black pepper and dust with flour. Finely chop the parsley stalks, then roughly chop the chorizo and chicken thighs.

If you find this Paella! recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.