How to Prepare Tasty Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati)

How to Prepare Tasty Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati)

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati) recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Naskun--Nasi Kuning--Basmati (Yellow Basmati)

Before you jump to Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Information on How to Elevate Your Mood with Food.

Most of us have been trained to think that comfort foods are bad and to be avoided. But if your comfort food is candy or junk food this might be true. Other times, though, comfort foods can be altogether nourishing and it’s good for you to consume them. There are several foods that, when you consume them, may improve your mood. When you are feeling a little down and need an emotional boost, test out some of these.

Eggs, you might be amazed to discover, are terrific at combating depression. Just make sure that you do not toss the yolk. The yolk is the part of the egg that is the most crucial in terms of helping raise your mood. Eggs, the egg yolk in particular, are rich in B vitamins. The B vitamin family can be fantastic for raising your mood. This is because these vitamins improve the function of your brain’s neural transmitters (the parts of the brain that affect how you feel). Consume an egg and jolly up!

Now you can see that junk food isn’t necessarily what you should eat when you want to help your moods get better. Try some of these instead!

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to naskun–nasi kuning–basmati (yellow basmati) recipe. You can cook naskun–nasi kuning–basmati (yellow basmati) using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati):

  1. Prepare of basmati, wash well and then rinse.
  2. Prepare of water (you can use less if you want denser rice. We prefer softer rice).
  3. Get of coconut oil.
  4. Get of turmeric powder.
  5. Prepare of salt.
  6. Use of agar-agar sachet for rice (you can skip this, I add this to add more fiber into this rice).

Steps to make Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati):

  1. Combine all in rice cooker. Stir well..
  2. Press cook and wait until it's ready..
  3. Fluff the rice before serving..

Rudy Sahabat Nasi Kuning Harum Gurih. Resep Nasi Kuning Rice Cooker Enak Banget. Membuat Lonthong Dan Gulai Sayur Ceker Ayam Resep Lengkap. Nasi kuning adalah sebuah hidangan nasi berwarna kuning tradisional dalam masakan-masakan Spanyol, Kuba,, Peru, Karibia, Filipina, Afganistan, Sri Lanka, Afrika Selatan dan Indonesia. Finally I got the time to make a proper and complete nasi kuning.

If you find this Naskun–Nasi Kuning–Basmati (Yellow Basmati) recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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