Easy Recipe: Perfect Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup

Easy Recipe: Perfect Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you’re looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup

Before you jump to Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about The Basics of Being Healthy.

You already realize that, to achieve true health, your diet needs to be sensible and nutritious and you need to get a good amount of exercise. The unfortunate thing is that, at the end of the day, we don’t always have the time or energy required for a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the day, the majority of us want to go home, not to the gym. People crave junk food, not veggies (unless they are vegetarians). You will be delighted to discover that achieving good health doesn’t have to be hard. If you are diligent you’ll get all of the activity and healthy food choices you need. Here are some simple ways to get healthful.

Water is the best beverage out there. Having a soda or a cup of coffee every once in a while isn’t a bad idea. It will be, however, a bad idea to solely drink soda or coffee. Choosing water as an alternative to other beverage adds to your body’s health and helps it stay hydrated. You’re also cutting hundreds of calories from your diet— without having to be forced to eat terrible tasting diet food. Successful weight loss efforts often depend solely on water ingestion.

There are all kinds of things that you can do to get wholesome. Extensive gym visits and narrowly defined diets are not always the answer. Little things, when done each day, can do a great deal to enable you to get healthy and lose pounds. Being intelligent when you choose your food and routines is where it begins. Getting as much exercise as you possibly can is another factor. The numbers on the scale aren’t the only indication of your lifestyle choices. You need your body to be powerful too.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to creamy mushroom spinach kielbasa soup recipe. You can cook creamy mushroom spinach kielbasa soup using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup:

  1. Prepare of Baby Bella Mushrooms.
  2. Provide of Organic Spinach.
  3. You need of – Quarts of Imagine Organic Low Sodium Chicken Broth.
  4. Take of – Tablespoons Cabot unsalted Butter.
  5. Provide of Leidys uncured smoked Kielbasa.
  6. Use of Heavy Cream.
  7. Prepare of Flour.
  8. Prepare of – teaspoon Organic Basil.
  9. Get of – teaspoon Organic Oregano.

Instructions to make Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup:

  1. Wash fresh mushrooms and slice into 1/4” pieces. Next tear fresh spinach into smaller pieces and wash in a spin colander to ensure removal of water. You will need to have two quarts of Organic chicken broth for this recipe..
  2. Take out the Leidys kielbasa out of the package and chop into quarters. Sauté mushrooms on low heat in six tablespoons of butter until the moisture is cooked out and they are browned giving off a very fragrant aroma. Then add your kielbasa to the pan..
  3. Add spinach, two cloves of minced garlic, 1 Teaspoon dried basil, 1 Teaspoon of dried organic oregano and two quarts of chicken broth to the pot. Turn up the heat to medium to boil. Simmer for ten minutes while this is at a simmer mix 1/4 cup of flour to a pint of heavy cream whisk until mixed. Add the cream mixture to the pot of hot broth stirring until mixed. Return to a boil for ten minutes and stir continuously. Return heat to low and simmer for another fifteen minutes..

If you find this Creamy Mushroom Spinach Kielbasa Soup recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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