Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable

Before you jump to Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Green Living In The Kitchen area Can save you Dollars.

Remember when the only individuals who cared about the environment were tree huggers and hippies? That has completely changed now, since we all apparently have an awareness that the planet is having problems, and we all have a part to play in fixing it. According to the specialists, to clean up the natural environment we are all going to have to make some adjustments. These types of adjustments need to start taking place, and each individual family needs to become more environmentally friendly. Read on for some approaches to go green and save energy, largely in the kitchen.

A lot of electricity is definitely consumed by freezers and refrigerators, and it’s even worse if they are working inefficiently. If you’re in the market for a new one, the good news is that compared with models from 10 or more years ago, they use about 60% less electricity. Maintaining the temperature of the fridge at 37F, coupled with 0F for the freezer, will save on electricity, while keeping food at the correct temperature. You can easily reduce how often the motor has to run by routinely cleaning the condenser, which will save on electricity.

As you can see, there are plenty of little things that you can do to save energy, and also save money, in the kitchen alone. Eco-friendly living is not that difficult. A lot of it is merely using common sense.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to shrimp fried rice with vegetable recipe. To make shrimp fried rice with vegetable you only need 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable:

  1. You need of Cooked white rice.
  2. Provide of soy sauce.
  3. Provide of vegetable oil.
  4. Get of garlic.
  5. Use of cooked shrimp.
  6. You need of small onion.
  7. Get of Frozen broccoli.
  8. You need of Mixed frozen veggies.

Steps to make Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable:

  1. Add the oil in a pan along with the shrimps and the onion cut in small pieces and wait 3-5 min.
  2. Add the Garlic, black pepper, veggies, salt and soy sauce and mix everything together then wait 2-5 minutes and add the the cooked rice and mix well and wait 5min.
  3. And voila it's ready to be served.

Serve the fried rice garnished with the togarashi peanuts. Fried rice is a tasty dish that typically consists of fried rice with onion and a variety of vegetables. Shrimp fried rice puts a seafood spin on this traditional dish and is delicious on its own or served with a variety of other Chinese foods. If you want to know how to make shrimp fried rice of your own. Watch how to make veggie fried rice in this short recipe video!

If you find this Shrimp fried Rice with vegetable recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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