How to Cook Delicious Cappuccino like Broccoli Soup

Cappuccino like Broccoli Soup.

Cappuccino like Broccoli Soup You can have Cappuccino like Broccoli Soup using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Cappuccino like Broccoli Soup

  1. You need 600 g of broccoli.
  2. It’s 1.5 slice of bacon.
  3. You need 90 g of heavy cream.
  4. Prepare 600 ml of comsomme soup.
  5. You need 2 slice of bread.
  6. It’s 1.5 Tsp of olive oil.
  7. It’s 60 g of butter.
  8. It’s of Salt.
  9. You need of Pepper.

Cappuccino like Broccoli Soup step by step

  1. Cut broccoli into small pieces. Cut crust into a 1cm×1cm cube. Cut bacon into 2cm×2cm cube. Beat heavy cream softly..
  2. Make crouton. Put 30g of butter into frying pan, toast bread with medium heat..
  3. Boil water, put some salt. Let the broccoli boil for 5-6minutes..
  4. Put boiled broccoli and little consomme soup into a blender, make puree..
  5. Pour puree and the consomme into a pot and heat..
  6. When soup starts boiling, put 30g of butter, olive oil, 3Tsp of heavy cream, salt, and pepper..
  7. Pour soup into dish, put crouton, bacon and 3Tsp of heavy cream..

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