Easiest Way to Make Perfect Beef picatta with brown rice and quinoa and a side salad

Beef picatta with brown rice and quinoa and a side salad. Pair the delightfully juicy and fragrant Fish Piccata with a healthy side of quinoa salad. Perfect for a light lunch or dinner! Desserts Keto Dinners Keto Guides and Tips Keto Recipes Keto Side Dishes Low Carb Low Carb Dinners Pasta Playlists Popular Posts Pork Protein Resources Salads Seafood Sheet Pan and One Skillet Meals Side Dishes Slow.

Beef picatta with brown rice and quinoa and a side salad This complex, healthy carb is a good addition to hearty salads, soups and other dishes as a side. A simple toasted walnut quinoa spinach salad recipe with homemade dressing – perfect for a weekday lunch or a simple side dish. Classic stir-fried cashew chicken with quinoa! You can have Beef picatta with brown rice and quinoa and a side salad using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Beef picatta with brown rice and quinoa and a side salad

  1. You need of For the Picatta:.
  2. It’s slices of Beef.
  3. You need of Mushroom.
  4. You need of Bell peppers.
  5. Prepare of Butter.
  6. It’s of Cream.
  7. You need of Lemon.
  8. You need of Garlic.
  9. It’s of Seasoning: salt, pepper, soy sauce, chopped onion.

Loaded with vegetables and a savory stir fry sauce and serve with a sesame peanut drizzle. Quinoa is tossed with onion, garlic, and herbs. This may be served hot or at room temperature. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat.

Beef picatta with brown rice and quinoa and a side salad instructions

  1. Sear the beef on both sides and remove from pan.
  2. In the same pan with remaining meat juices add garlic and sautee the mushroom and bell peppers and remove them.
  3. In the same pan make the sauce and season to taste. Put back the beef mushrooms and peppers and let them simmer in sauce to continue cooking.

Add the quinoa, and toast, stirring occasionally, until lightly Nice alternative to rice. Used low sodium low fat chicken broth – there was no need to add additional. Remove the chicken from the pan and reserve to a plate. We had parm spaghetti noodles with this and a salad on the side. Takes very little time and effort to make.

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