Easy Recipe: Tasty Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast

Easy Recipe: Tasty Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast

Before you jump to Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Easy Ways to Get Healthy.

You already understand that, to achieve true health, your diet needs to be well balanced and nutritious and you need to get a good amount of exercise. Sadly, there isn’t always enough time or energy for us to really do the things we need to do. Going to the gym isn’t something people decide to do when they get off from work. People crave salty and sweet, not veggies (unless they are vegetarians). The good news is that making healthy choices doesn’t have to be a pain. If you are conscientious you’ll get all of the activity and healthy food you need. Here are some of the best ways to be healthy.

Pick water over other drinks. Having a soda or a cup of coffee every once in a while isn’t a horrible idea. It is definitely, however, a bad idea to only drink soda or coffee. When you pick out water more than other beverages you are helping your body remain very healthy and hydrated. This also helps you reduce your caloric intake by hundreds of points without requiring you to buy and eat gross diet foods. Water is usually one of the keys to really losing weight and getting healthy.

There are a lot of things that contribute to your getting healthy. Not all of them demand fancy gym memberships or restricted diets. You can do little things every day to improve upon your health and lose weight. Being intelligent about the choices you make each day is a start. Getting as much physical exercise as possible is another factor. Remember: being healthful isn’t just about slimming down. You need to help make your body as strong as possible.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to stewed potatoes and chicken breast recipe. You can cook stewed potatoes and chicken breast using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast:

  1. You need 1 of Chicken breast.
  2. Use 2 of Potatoes.
  3. Get 200 ml of * Water.
  4. Use 1/2 tsp of * Bonito dashi stock granules.
  5. Provide 4 tbsp of * Mirin.
  6. Provide 2 of and 1/2 tablespoon Usukuchi soy sauce.
  7. Provide 1 of Wakame seaweed (soaked to remove excess salt).
  8. Take 1/2 tsp of Sesame oil.
  9. You need 1 of i recommend a generous amount Coarsely ground black pepper.

Steps to make Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast:

  1. Chop off the excess fat from the chicken, then cut into bite-sized pieces. Peel, then slice the potatoes into 1-cm thick rounds..
  2. Add the chicken and potatoes to a pot, then add the * ingredients, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, add the soy sauce, and simmer until potatoes become tender..
  3. Turn off heat, then let cool in pot to let the chicken and potato absorb the flavors..
  4. Before serving, reheat and bring to a boil. Add cut pieces of wakame seaweed. Pour the sesame oil over the chicken, then remove from heat..
  5. Transfer to a serving dish, sprinkle with coarsely ground black pepper and serve..

Spread into a prepared baking dish in a single layer. Place chicken on top of potatoes, arranging potatoes around chicken. The chicken and potatoes are delicious on their own, but these two main ingredients are simmered in the magic tomato sauce to grab all the good flavor and the whole one-pot-party is topped with a handful of fresh parsley for color and a cool, fresh ping in your mouth against the deep, rich flavor and acidity of the saucy chicken and potatoes. To stew chicken breasts, you must simmer them in a mixture of water and chicken stock to infuse them with a stronger flavor. The moisture from the water and chicken stock makes it easier to slice or pull the meat.

If you find this Stewed Potatoes and Chicken Breast recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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