Easiest Way to Make Tasty Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon

Before you jump to Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Foods That Make Your Mood Better.

Most of us believe that comfort foods are terrible for us and that we should stay away from them. But if your comfort food is candy or junk food this might be true. Other times, comfort foods can be very nourishing and good for us to consume. There are several foods that, when you consume them, could better your mood. When you feel a little down and are in need of an emotional pick-me-up, try a couple of these.

Green tea is fantastic for moods. You were sure green tea had to be included in this article, right? Green tea is found to be rich in an amino acid known as L-theanine. Studies have found that this particular amino acid can actually induce brain waves. This will improve your brain’s focus while simultaneously calming the rest of your body. You knew that green tea helps you be healthier. Now you are aware that it helps you to elevate your moods also!

So you see, you don’t have to turn to junk food or foods that are terrible for you to feel better! Test out these hints instead!

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to easy rice porridge with salmon recipe. To make easy rice porridge with salmon you need 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon:

  1. Prepare 300 ml of Water.
  2. Use 1 of fillet Lightly-salted salmon.
  3. You need 1 of rice bowl worth Plain cooked rice.
  4. Take 30 grams of Mushrooms of your choice (I used shimeji mushrooms).
  5. Get 1 of roughly 10 cm worth Japanese leek.
  6. Provide 5 of to 6 Mitsuba.
  7. Use 1 of Egg.
  8. You need 2 tbsp of Mentsuyu.
  9. Provide 1 of Mirin (to spread on salmon before heating).

Instructions to make Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon:

  1. Brush mirin on the salmon. Grill well on both sides. Also refer to..
  2. Shred shimeji mushrooms. Thinly slice the Japanese leek diagonally. Cut the mitsuba into 2cm. Beat the eggs. Rinse rice in a colander, then drain..
  3. Add water into an earthen pot. Add the mentsuyu, Japanese leek, and shimeji mushrooms. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the drained rice..
  4. Here's the finished salmon. They're actually tasty as it is. Remove any skin and bones. Flake and add to the pot from Step 3. Mix well..
  5. Stir in the eggs. Turn the heat off immediately. Scatter mitsuba to finish. Serve directly from the pot while it's still hot..

Meanwhile, heat the grill to high and place the salmon fillet, skin-side up, on a baking tray lined with foil. Season the salmon with salt and pepper and place it on the prepared baking sheet. Add the soy sauce and keep stirring. Transfer the fried rice to a plate, top with the salmon, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve. Go all out with dinner tonight and make something special – something tropical like this incredibly delicious Grilled Lime Salmon with Avocado-Mango Salsa and Coconut Rice!

If you find this Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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