Recipe: Appetizing 3-ingredient banana pancake

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect 3-ingredient banana pancake recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best 3-ingredient banana pancake recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

3-ingredient banana pancake

Before you jump to 3-ingredient banana pancake recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about The Simple Ways to Be Healthy.

Everybody knows that in order to truly be healthy you need to eat a nutritious and balanced diet and get a proper level of exercise. The worst part is that, at the end of the day, we don’t always have enough time or energy required for a healthy lifestyle. At the conclusion of the day, most of us want to go home, not to the gym. People crave salty and sweet, not veggies (unless they are vegetarians). The good news is that making wise decisions doesn’t have to be irritating. If you are conscientious you’ll get all of the activity and healthy food choices you need. Here are some hints to be as healthful as possible.

Drink water, not alternative drinks. Soda and coffee, when ingested in moderation, aren’t that bad. Getting all your hydration from them is a awful idea. Having water instead of other kinds of drinks is a good way to help your body in its health and hydration. You’re also cutting hundreds of calories out of your diet— without having to deal with terrible tasting diet food. Water is often the main element to successful weight reduction and healthfulness.

There are all sorts of activities that you can do to get wholesome. Not all of them necessitate fancy gym memberships or restrained diets. Little things, when done each day, can do a lot to make it easier to get healthy and lose pounds. Make smart choices every day is a great start. A proper amount of physical activity each day is also important. The numbers on the scale aren’t the only indicator of your health levels. You need to make your body as strong you can make it.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to 3-ingredient banana pancake recipe. You can cook 3-ingredient banana pancake using 5 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to make 3-ingredient banana pancake:

  1. Prepare 1-2 of very ripe bananas (overripe is perfect).
  2. Use 2-3 tbsp of plain flour.
  3. Use 1-2 tbsp of milk (any kind will do, even coconut milk).
  4. You need pinch of salt.
  5. Get 1 tbsp of butter + splash of oil for frying pan.

Steps to make 3-ingredient banana pancake:

  1. Mash bananas in a bowl with the salt until it forms a smooth wet paste..
  2. Add 2 tbsp flour and a splash of milk. Mix to see if consistency is like a thick batter. It should be smooth enough to pour into the frying pan but not as runny as regular pancake batter. Add more flour or milk til desired consistency is reached..
  3. Meanwhile, heat a flat pan on medium heat with the butter & a bit of oil (the oil keeps the butter from burning). Pour in batter and form either one medium size pancake or two smaller ones..
  4. Cook for about 3 – 4 minutes on the first side until little bubbles form on the surface before carefully flipping over. Cook the other side for 2 -3 minutes. If the heat appears too high, switch to a low flame. The natural sugars in bananas makes it caramelise / burn easily..
  5. Serve immediately. I find this eggless pancake gets a bit chewy if it sits at room temperature so make it in small batches when you're ready to eat some easy, healthy pancakes :).

Grease a small skillet with cooking spray (or butter). Pour some Banana Pancake batter in the middle of the skillet, on medium heat. The more ripe (or overripe) your bananas, the sweeter your pancakes will be. Hop to it: Whip up cute and tasty hotcakes quick as you-know-what. By The Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen.

If you find this 3-ingredient banana pancake recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.